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Bishop Blurb

Posted by ??? from Cardiff - Published on 15/03/2013 at 16:44
4 comments » - Tagged as Food & Drink, Sport & Leisure, Travel

  • Speech Bubble

Following on from thisthisthisthisthis and this, here's some more musings from the pupils of Bishop of Llandaff...


Best And Worst Rugby Players Around

The worst rugby players around are the England starting 15. The best rugby players are the Wales starting 15. We're not biased at all....

Info Â» Sport & Leisure Â» Outdoor Sports Â» Rugby

Articles Â» Categories Â» Sport & Leisure

By lw450fandt


602 Bus Route (1)

The 602 bus route starts in Lisvane and goes to Bishop of Llandaff Church in Wales High School. We pass many exciting things on the way like the Co-operative and the curry shop, and £9 for 12 journeys is reasonably cheap.

Info Â» World, Europe, UK & Wales Â» Transport Â» Buses and Coaches

Organisations Â» Traveline Cymru

Articles Â» Categories Â» Travel

Related Article: Cardiff Bus: A Ride To Town Or Just A Frown?

By OwenLisvane12 

How To Make A Cup Of Tea

You will need :

  • a cup
  • a tea bag
  • milk
  • sugar 
  • a spoon 
  • and a kettle


Boil the kettle and put a tea bag in the cup. Once the kettle has boiled pour the water in to the cup and add a couple of drops of milk. If you want you could add some sugar.

Info Â» Health Â» Nutrition and Physical Activity

Articles Â» Categories Â» Food & Drink

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By nubuh1234
Pine Marten Invades Swiss Football Match

Thun FC versus Zurich FC - final score 4-0 to Zurich, but during the game a pine marten invades the pitch. Animal control failed to catch the beast as the game went on. Watch as one of the players gets bitten!

Info Â» Environment Â» Plants and animals Â» Woodlands and Wildlife

Articles Â» Categories Â» Sport & Leisure

By lw450fandt


Black Ops 2 Top Ten Guns

These are the top ten guns in BO2.

Articles Â» Categories Â» Technology

On the Web Â» Safety Information

By Cantonrangers13

How To Make A Friend

  1. Be nice and say good things about them
  2. Take them to the park 
  3. Have them round for dinner
  4. Share your lunch with them

Ifo Â» Family & Relationships Â» Friendships

By Big Ben 13


Move It Dance Festival 2013 

Danielle Peazer dancing with D.inc Dancewear at Move It 2013

Info Â» Sport & Leisure Â» Performing Arts Â» Dance

Articles Â» Categories Â» Dance

By LoveDance

602 Bus Route (2)

The 602 bus journey is not always a very pleasant ride as there can be very disruptive and arrogant people on board, who are my junior in age. We go past many corner shops on the way such as the Co-operative, a lot of curry shops and Rhiwbina village.

I strongly do not recommend this bus route.

Info Â» World, Europe, UK & Wales Â» Transport Â» Buses and Coaches

Organisations Â» Traveline Cymru

Articles Â» Categories Â» Travel

Related Article: Cardiff Bus: A Ride To Town Or Just A Frown?

By ImmovableKarma


Qwerty Keyboard

Why is there a Qwerty keyboard? Who invented it and how? What is the point of it? And has anyone seen a French keyboard? So simple. They're in alphabetical order! Please respond!

Info Â» Sport & Leisure Â» Digital Arts Â» Communication

Articles Â» Categories Â» Technology

By thebrussels

iPhone 6

Everyone is wondering about what Apple is working on next. Is it a new iPad or Mac? No it is the iPhone 5s/6

The new iPhone 5s or 6 is currently being created in Asia by a company working with Apple called Foxconn.

The screen is predicted to be five-inches across, a rumoured polycarbonate body, a camera upgrade and as reported by Apple Insider something that "lets the phone detect where it is, either as a way of alerting the user about an incoming object, or as a way of detecting whether the phone is being held to the user's ear."

It has been reported that it will be released by either the end of 2013 or the beginning of 2014.

Info Â» Sport & Leisure Â» Digital Arts Â» Communication

Articles Â» Categories Â» Technology

By darkwolf2904
Cat Invades Pitch

In 2006 a cat invaded the pitch in a match between Tottenham Hotspur and Liverpool. As the players and referee stood stupid, the cat ran the whole length of the pitch. Watch this:

Info Â» Environment Â» Plants and animals Â» Pets

By lw450fandt


Forrest Gump's Wisdom

Forrest Gump is quite the wise guy, as evidenced by his quotes:

"Life is like a box of chocolates - you never know what you're gonna get."

"I might not be a smart man, but I know what love is."

"If you need me, I won't be far away."

Also, Gump goes on to inadvertently invent several cultural icons. Watch the film (starring Tom Hanks) if you haven't already!

Interesting Fact: The feather that floats in the film's intro sequence could represent Gump's life; twisting and turning until settling down; or it could reference his low IQ due to the lacking density of the feather.

Articles Â» Categories Â» Movies

By LifeIsLikeABoxOfChocolates
Breaking Dawn Part One (Spoiler Alert)

Breaking Dawn Part One is the most awkward film I have ever seen. Let me explain. Firstly, at the wedding, when Jacob shows up and Edward says, "Thank you for being so kind," and Jacob says, "Well kind is my middle name." Why? That was followed by the longest awkward silence I have ever witnessed. Another awkward moment was when Bella and Edward were discussing baby names and Bella said, "How about EJ, like Edward-Jacob?". I was just like, "ASDFGHJKL!?!?" But then she said, "Or we could combine our mums' names: Renesme." Why?!

The funniest and most stupid bit was when the baby was ripping its way out of Bella and you just see Edward go down with his teeth and he comes up with a baby. Everyone was just like, "Aww, a baby," and was completely oblivious to the fact that Bella had just been cut in half. Anyway, the only good films in the Twilight Saga are Breaking Dawn Parts One and Two because all the others are like, "I love you - I love you too - don't die - I want to be a vampire."

Sorry if I have offended anyone!

Articles Â» Categories Â» Movies

Related Article: Breaking Dawn

By blackwolf11


Top 10 Favourite Songs

1. Justin Bieber - She Don't Like The Lights (Acoustic Version)
2. Rihanna - We Found Love
3. Little Mix - Madhouse
4. FutureProof - How Low Can You Go
5. FutureProof - Maniac
6. Pink - Funhouse
7. Bruno Mars - When I Was Your Man
8. Pink - Try
9. Little Mix - Stereo Soldier
10. Justin Bieber - Be Alright

Info Â» Sport & Leisure Â» Performing Arts Â» Music

Organisations Â» Cardiff Soundscene

Articles Â» Categories Â» Music

Related Article: Cardiff Young Persons Music Network Meeting

By LoveDance


My Poem

My name is Ben,
I live in a den,
With a hen 
And a pen,
I am not ten
but my granddad is Len
and my brother is Ken, 
my builders are men.

Articles Â» Categories Â» Creative Writing

By Big Ben 13


Red Nose Day 2013

As you know Red Nose Day is a huge fundraising charity event that started in 1985. Since then it has been raising millions of pounds by getting the whole of the country to get involved with lots of fundraising activities. The money we raise is used to transform the lives of countless people, here in the U.K and in Africa.

In the U.K, we help give shelter to young people living on the streets and protection to those living with domestic abuse. In Africa our money saves thousands of people from malaria and also provides communities with fresh, clean water and life-saving vaccines.

Info Â» Family & Relationships Â» What to do if something goes wrong Â» Domestic violence

Info Â» Environment Â» People Â» Poverty

Info Â» Housing Â» Homelessness

Related Article: Review: Red Nose Pez

By lollyx12


My Top Three Musicians

At number three is Rita Ora. I love her music however I am not into all of her songs. My favourite song by her R.I.P. featuring Tinie Tempah. I love this song because it is catchy.

At number two is Rhianna. I love Rhianna's music; it is funky and I love to listen to it all the time. My favourite song by her is right now. This song is amazing and I love it. I actually know a dance to it.

At number one it is Paloma Faith. I love Paloma Faith to bits. I have only recently found out about her but love her so much. My favourite song by her is Smoke & Mirrors, because I think it is her best song!

Info Â» Sport & Leisure Â» Performing Arts Â» Music

Organisations Â» Cardiff Soundscene

Articles Â» Categories Â» Music

Related Article: Cardiff Young Persons Music Network Meeting

By palomafaith<3


True Beauty

Lots of people, mostly adults, say that true beauty is what you're like as a person and not what you look like.

But probably like a lot of other teenagers, make-up, straightening or curling my hair makes me feel more confident and sometimes I feel that maybe I'm not that ugly after all.

Yeah, I do think that if a person has got a really nice personality it makes them look pretty on the outside. But if you wear a lot of make up and feel confident in yourself, you're most probably going to be popular at school. I think real beauty is on the inside, but to have lots of friends it helps if you have the looks too.

Articles Â» Categories Â» Fashion

Related Article: Make-Up: For Or Against?

By sapphire14xxx

Photo Credit: Marc Wathieu via Compfight cc

4 CommentsPost a comment

Sprout Editor

Sprout Editor

Commented 38 months ago - 20th March 2013 - 10:16am

Wow, what a brilliant read!

@Cantonrangers13 that's lovely. Friends are really important.

@sapphire14xxx I wear makeup as it makes me feel more confident, but I always admire people that don't wear it. Beauty really is on the inside, but I don't think there's any harm in making yourself feel better by dressing up. Just be yourself, that's the most important thing!

@thebrussels someone told me once that Qwerty keyboards were invented when people used to use type writers. If you've used a type writer, you'll notice that when you press the keys, they move an arm with a stamp on the end that prints ink onto paper. Because of the structure of words an alphabetical keyboard would mean that arms would often knock into each other and jam the type writer. The Qwerty keyboard was researched and cleverly designed so that as you type, less letters got stuck together.


Commented 37 months ago - 12th April 2013 - 09:20am

lol ferret thing attacking players, so funny


Commented 30 months ago - 15th November 2013 - 09:31am

I am doing a sponsored silence x and if you go to Bishop please sponsor me!!! I have already raised £40 and its only half past 9 :D


Commented 29 months ago - 29th November 2013 - 09:08am

well done Tigerwoman!

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