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Bishop Bleeps

Posted by ??? from Cardiff - Published on 12/02/2013 at 17:03
13 comments » - Tagged as Comedy, Education, Fashion, Food & Drink, Health, Movies, Music, People, Technology

  • Bleeps

Following on from thisthisthisthis and this, here's some more musings from the pupils of Bishop of Llandaff...


I Love...

It's a hard one but I know what I love. I love... Hannah Montana/Miley Cyrus. I love her new hairstyle. She's my role model and I love her more than anything.

Articles Â» Categories Â» Music

By miaanthonyxx


Horror Movie

Hey everyone. I have some exciting news. I am the director of the newest horror movie around. That's right! Schools Out: Brains For Lunch is coming soon to a YouTube near you. It will also be posted on TheSprout, so keep your eyes open and remember to comment.

See you soon!

Info Â» Sport & Leisure Â» Digital Arts Â» Film Making and Animation

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Related Article: Cardiff Mini Film Festival Showcase – Find Your Way To Get Involved!

By flametailx7


Miranda's Final Episode

Many people across the UK watch the hilarious show with Miranda Hart. I thought it was one of her best, it was such fun!

For those of you who had the misfortune as not to watch it, Miranda finds herself in a bit of a love triangle after taking the wrong train to Wick in Scotland. Ha-ha! She buys some new cats after showing her love for Gary called Barry, Larry, McGary, Harry and Sheila (the cutest cat ever). On the way to the airport she forgot to let the 'cat out of the bag' and gets attacked by three police officers (which was most unfortunate). And finally she has a new crush on the guy who cleaned her hotel room and stole as many milk pots as possible... bear with me... and then both Gary and Mike proposed to her! I believe that she should choose Gary.

And almost as surprising as if your family got squashed by a steamroller and locked up in a nunnery, Miranda is ending. To honour the loss of the best TV show ever, please share your opinions on who she should choose, Gary or Mike?

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Articles Â» Categories Â» Culture

By <3 JB+1D



I don't know about you, but I love to shop. I try to go to town almost every weekend and all the time in the holidays. I love designer clothes but I don't have many. I don't really get why people need to have all their clothes from designer labels, because life isn't just about having expensive clothing. Live while you're young and don't be afraid if you don't have any designer clothes, it doesn't matter. Feel proud of what you wear, hold your head high and ignore comments; they are the things that will get to you most. Just think 'I Am Beautiful' and walk on.

Info Â» Sport & Leisure Â» Visual Arts Â» Fashion

Articles Â» Categories Â» Fashion

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By fatfatamy


Black Ops 2: Info Tips And Tricks On Zombies 

Hello! You think Zombies is hard? Try Die Rise with the new wonder weapon, the Vimto gun (that's what I call it). There are a lot of Easter Eggs and they have brought the old school perks back like PHG Flopper and Mule Kick, these will help get you to the high rounds. Please tell me what rank you are on Zombies in the comments and checkout my YouTube channel, where I do loads of Zombies gameplay videos.

[Sub-Ed Note: Video contains images of zombies getting their heads blown off and stuff, if you don't like or approve of that sort of thing, best not to press play, yeah?]

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By .


What I Dislike About School

I dislike that we have to get up so early, it's so unfair. We get lots of homework when we already have to do five hours of work in school! Also some of the teachers are not very nice; it would be better if all teachers were nice. What we should have is fewer hours in school and have longer weekends. That's all the things I hate about school!

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By nomi123


Minecraft Series: Episode 1

Hope you guys enjoyed my last article; if you checked out my channel, I thank you for that I'm just writing this one to say check out my new Minecraft series.

I've already uploaded two episodes, so yeah please check them out and my other videos. I'm putting some money into a capture card soon so I can record some FIFA or other games I might want to upload. Please subscribe to my channel and give a thumbs up to the gaming community and please comment on this article.

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By TheWangNanny


Primary Boys & Girls

I find it kind of strange that people who are still in primary school have boyfriends and are doing a fair amount of kissing.

I think you can have a boyfriend at that age but you should not be doing all this grown up stuff that should only try in high school.

I'm sorry if I have offended anyone with this but I wanted to state my opinion.

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By theofficialfatamy


Cardiff City For Promotion

I have high hopes for Cardiff City as they are top of the league and they are 11 points ahead of the second place team Leicester City. Also with new signing Fraizer Campbell I think Cardiff can get promotion this season.

Click here for more of TheSprout's stories on Cardiff City

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Articles Â» Categories Â» Sport & Leisure

By longeldude


What I Like About The World

I love this world because of all the different types of music. There is pop, r'n'b, jazz, rap, classical, blues, garage and much more. Personally I love nearly all types of music. I really love One Direction as a pop band and my favourite r'n'b person is Alicia Keys. I love her song Girl On Fire. Comment if you like her voice!

I also love modern jazz and I like soul singers such as Amy Winehouse and Beyonce. I was so sad when Amy Winehouse died. She had a voice like an angel.

My favourite rapper has to be Nicki Minaj. Her voice is great and her lyrics are amazing. She's on American Idol and she does a good job as a judge.

As I play violin I like classical music. Some of the music is very pretty but lots of people in my class think that because I like classical music I'm weird; it's just as good as any other type of music. Comment what you think about classical music!

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Organisations Â» Community Music Wales

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By 1D For Life


Autism: My Brother's Tough True Life Story

I have an older brother and he is 17. When you heard he was 17, a personality must have come into your head. But there's something that makes him different from any other young adult... he has autism.

Autism is a life-long disability with no way out. There are many different types of it. Matthew, my brother, has learning difficulties and he can't talk, he can only make noises.

He also has anger issues as such, which is why he doesn't live with my parents and me any more. I see him nearly every week but I still miss him.

Sometimes, either when I'm at school, at home or visiting him, I always think to myself, "Why him? Why me? Why my family?" But after thinking about it, if he didn't have autism, we might not be as close as we are...

He's like my best friend.

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Organisations Â» Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS)

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Organisations Â» National Autistic Society

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By Media Maniac


One Direction 

I have heard many stories that One Direction are breaking up. Now, this is not a good thing at all. I would actually cry if they broke up; it would be the end of my world. Has anyone else heard this heart-breaking story? Comment below to show your support for One Direction, so that they know they are loved.

Articles Â» Categories Â» Music

By fatfatamy


KFC Chicken

I love KFC. They make chicken taste a lot better. KFC's slogan was "finger lickin' good". I eat KFC each week and you should too! I was best friends with Colonel Sanders. Why would you not want to eat KFC?

I don't like McDonald's, so help me put a stop to it!

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By Booney_Boys


Angus, Thongs and Full-Frontal Snogging

Georgia is epic! She's so funny like her cousin Tallulah; She goes to a party dressed as a stuffed olive! We tried out her tactic of waving to random people on the street to make us look popular and it was the funniest thing to do ever! Read the book or die trying... or watch the film.

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By <3 JB+1D


Food I Like And Dislike

I used to like burgers and then people stared saying that it had horsemeat in them and it put me off them. I don't like sprouts because they make me sick. I don't like any vegetables but my mum makes me eat them. I prefer anything else like sweets but I don't have them that much because they are bad for you. I have a lot of fruit because I like it. I don't like fish because it's horrible.

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By sophie123844


COD: Black Ops 2 - Revolution DLC

Recently Black Ops 2 has had a new DLC pack come out and today I'm am going to do a review. In this new DLC pack there is a lot of new features; there are four brand new maps Hydro, Downhill, Mirage and Grind. There are also two new features on the Zombies part of BO2.

The first new gamemode is Turned, which is basically where you are all zombies apart from one player who is a human and you have to get the human; when you get the human you turn into a human. The second new gamemode is Die Rise, which is where you are going up a zombie-infested skyscraper in China, trying to survive.

Also there is a new bonus gun called the Peacekeeper SMG; this gun seems really cool. I am looking forward to playing these new maps and gamemodes. Thanks for reading and make sure to comment with what you think of it!

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By Zolo0206


Take Me Home

One Direction's new album Take Me Home is out and has been for a while. I got it about a week ago and haven't stopped listening to it. My favourite song is definitely Rock Me.

Even though it sounds kind of wrong, it's still an amazing song and so catchy. I love Louis Tomlinson so much; he's by far the best of the five.

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By moll_teaser


My Competition

On Sunday I went to a show with my horses Alfie and Diamond. We were jumping gates over three feet high; it was really big and I was against a load of adults. I was terrified but when they were announcing the winners I was going off to put my horses in to the horsebox and they said I came fifth on Alfie and second on Diamond. They're both very young and I was so proud of them both.

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By diamonds in the sky


What Would I Change About The World?

Well it's a hard one. I would probably change 'The Horsemeat In Burgers' issue. I don't think that it is right that there is horse in the burgers and it's not in the ingredients list. Yes there is cow in burgers or pork or chicken. But horses are pets and I think that it is wrong that people like me, who have a horse have maybe eaten them without knowing.

I think if horses were on the ingredients list then it wouldn't be as bad. But the fact that it's not on there it makes it really bad. There was a program on television last week about how they were killed. They were shot in the back and then hung from their legs even if they weren't dead. It's horrible! Then a report came out saying that there was horsemeat in lasagne. Not only could this be harmful to people but it's really horrible. I think that the government should do something about this.

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By abbie123


Review: Macbook Air

You need it! You love it! The Macbook Air, the latest and most amazing computer I have ever seen. It made by Apple so it includes features such as FaceTime and iMessage, so this computer is the best of the best!

As it is from Apple and they have updated their software so this computer includes the new Retina Display and an iSight FaceTime camera (8MP). There's also a new operating system, which allows it to smash through the charts as the fastest computer.

As far as Apple design go, the Macbook Air has a sleek finish with smoothened touches and a smooth cover surface. This Apple computer is the one for you!

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By demelverda2000

Image: JNARA300


Look After You By Louis Tomlinson

The beet song ever! Originally by The Fray, Louis Tomlinson of One Direction has done a cover of the song Look After You. It is currently my favourite song. He has got such a beautiful and unique voice; it's just so lush.

By moll_teaser



People really do either love Justin Bieber or hate him. I think it's because they are either envious of Justin or they are trying to fit in the their friends. Beliebers, Justin's fans, do get a lot of hate.

Demi Lovato is one of the best role-models ever, she always says 'stay strong' and she asked for help when she needed it. 1D get hate all the time. Barbara Palvin got hate for asking Justin to take her little sister and her to see The Lion King. But all the magazines didn't care, they wanted a story, so they made it like they went on a date. Even Selena Gomez is best friends with her. Miley Cyrus' hair was a big deal; everyone called it ugly, do you think it is? Have you sent hate to anyone or have you received hate?

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By jourdanbieberVS


World Vs Me

Has anybody ever felt like everyone dislikes them?
That all people want to do is turn your friends against you?
Or get you into trouble all the time?

Well I have many times. A lot of people dislike me; most of them try to hide it but I can see through them. They talk behind my back, insult me and tell my friends things that they say I've said but I haven't. Why do people have to do that?

The thing that I would change in this word is that I would make people get along.

Info Â» Education Â» In School 11-16 Â» Bullying


By trollolol99


Review: Lego Lord Of The Rings (PS Vita)

Lego Lord Of The Rings is an amazing game. With many hidden objects the fun carries on even after you finish the game.

Story: Embark on a quest filled with danger. You play as the characters from Fellowship Of The Ring: the four hobbits (Frodo, Samwise, Merry and Pippin), an elf (Legolas) a dwarf (Gimli), a warrior (I have no idea what his name is), a ranger (Aragorn, but they call him Strider) and of course the great wizard Gandalf. The mission? To make your way to Mordor and cast the one ring into the fires of Mount Doom. However there are obstacles, for they are being followed by Gollum, and Saruman the evil wizard is trying to stop them.

Will they succeed?

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By flametailx7


Photo Credit: Dr. Bleep via Compfight cc

13 CommentsPost a comment



Commented 39 months ago - 15th February 2013 - 22:18pm

Reading this actually makes me sad. "Dejected" one might say.



Commented 39 months ago - 16th February 2013 - 12:13pm

I think Miranda should marry Gary because he is just by far the most important and the nicest. X



Commented 39 months ago - 20th February 2013 - 16:32pm

There is a lot about 1D and Justin Bieber here, proving their popularity! 1D are good, but I have to say, I am not a Belieber!



Commented 39 months ago - 21st February 2013 - 21:23pm

This is really cool. Dunno what is about...but cool xx

Sam Sprout (Editor)

Sam Sprout (Editor)

Commented 39 months ago - 22nd February 2013 - 10:04am

Arielle did a PSE session at Bishop of Llandaff and this is a selection of the shorter articles we received in that session.



Commented 39 months ago - 22nd February 2013 - 20:23pm

I love Miley and Hannah always have always will xxxx



Commented 39 months ago - 25th February 2013 - 17:14pm

omg...Media Manic...your article on your brothers autism is sooooooooo touching... your soooooo good with it and soooo sweet about it :)

<3 JB+1D

<3 JB+1D

Commented 39 months ago - 28th February 2013 - 13:45pm

yeh!! and mollteaser ur article was really deep to :(



Commented 39 months ago - 28th February 2013 - 21:27pm

Oh right!! Thanks Sam, I was confused!!

blonde 9

Commented 39 months ago - 1st March 2013 - 09:43am

y is there so much about justin bieber and 1D we all no there rubbish

Mr Anonymous

Commented 37 months ago - 26th April 2013 - 09:42am

Flametailx7 is amazing. Yeah, really, really amazing.



Commented 36 months ago - 15th May 2013 - 12:50pm

thank you


Commented 30 months ago - 15th November 2013 - 09:46am

haha lol sooo funy

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