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Big Gig Competition

Posted by archifCLICarchive from National - Published on 27/05/2011 at 12:54
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Yn Gymraeg

Win the chance to perform at the Admiral Cardiff Big weekend!

Are you in a band? Do you write your own material? Want to showcase your music in front of thousands of people? Then look no further!

Local unsigned bands and artists are being given the rare and awesome opportunity to perform at this year's Big Weekend festival sponsored by Admiral.

The Big Gig 2011 is a brand new competition being introduced this year, which will give local performers the chance to be the opening act at the Big Weekend on Sunday 7th August. In addition, the winners will also record a track at Nation radio's studio and have their track played on the station. This is a truly rare and wicked opportunity for unsigned bands and artists from South Wales to broaden their fan base and get their music out there. If you would like the chance to play at the festival in front of thousands of people read on for the details on the competition and how to apply.

The competition opens today, 27th May and the closing date for applications is 4pm on Friday 14th June. To enter you must submit two tracks of you performing, of which one of them must be your own original track, along with a completed form which you can find at cardiff-festival.com. You can enter online by submitting this form along with Mp3's of your songs to BigGig@cardiff.gov.uk , or you can enter via post by sending your tracks on a CD, along with the completed application form to Big Gig Competition, Events Team, Room 422, County Hall, Cardiff, CF10 4UW. 

This competition is open to bands and artists based in South Wales only, and is not open to acts that have appeared at the Admiral Big Weekend before.

All the entrants will be narrowed down to a short list and split into two groups, under 18's and over 18's. On 12th July the under 18's will compete against each other at the Globe Music Venue on Albany Road, Cardiff, and the over 18's will compete there on the 13th. The best six acts from each night will then go through to battle it out in the final, held on the 14th where the Big Gig 2011 winner will be crowned. The winners of the youth and over 18's finals will also record a track at Nation radio and have their recorded track played on air at Nation.

The criteria the judges will assess your application on are originality -- is your sound unique and interesting? Tightness in the music -- does the music sound professional and in-time? Presentation of information -- is your application filled out correctly? - does your picture enhance your image? -- is your music submitted in the correct format? Musical ability -- are you strong performers both musically and vocally? And evidence that the artist can attract a following -- have you got any upcoming gigs or short reviews listed in your application? So bare these things in mind when putting together your application and you should go far!

The competition is being judged by representatives from Swn Festival, Nation Radio and Cardiff Council. Executive member for Sport, Culture and Leisure, Nigel Howells, said "The competition provides a fantastic opportunity for one lucky unsigned act to perform in front of thousands and develop a new fan base. I am looking forward to hearing the new music from a variety of acts from South Wales... I hope this year will be the first of many Big Gig's."

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IMAGE: Christian Holmer 

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