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Barddoniaeth: Timothy Monster

Posted by Dan (Sub-Editor) from Cardiff - Published on 17/09/2010 at 17:03
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  • timothy

English version

Wedi cael ei ysgrifennu ar y bws mini i Benwythnos Preswyl CLIC, gan Dan o theSprout a Emily o Swoosh.

[Gol: Am y rheswm nad yw’n bosib cyfieithu’r darn barddoniaeth hwn heb golli’r odl mae’r darn wedi cael ei gadw yn yr iaith Saesneg]

Timothy Monster

Timothy Monster
lives up to his name
A beast of a boy
with a long, sullen mane

He chews on his fingers;
he can’t afford bread
His mother's a waitress
His father is dead

Ask him real nice
and he'll show you the scars
that he earns from his nights
in the burnt, stolen cars

But don't get too close
or he'll break you in half,
bite your bones with delight
and his devilish laugh

The cracks in his brow
they turn harder than steel
as his stomach growls:
Timmy wants his next meal

There's nowhere to hide in the playground
let's hope he's in a good mood
because he's coming closer
run away if you look like food!

One step...
I run towards the big wall

Two step...
I trip over my laces and fall

Three step...
I'm doomed

I want to run home and lock the door

The bell rings from beyond the grass
playtime's over;
go back to class

I made it back unbeaten,
unharmed and
(best of all) uneaten

But lunchtime's not for two more hours
Perhaps it'll be you that Timmy devours...

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