16 – 24? Unemployed?
If you're aged between 16 – 24 and looking for work, read on
The Welsh Government are on the lookout for 30 modern apprentices: paid positions for young people whose skills and knowledge they will help develop while working alongside you. It's a combination of work and training: you will be paid for your time, but will gain plenty of things to add to your CV along the way.
What can I expect?
You will be working for the Welsh Government, so your work will be important, engaging and interesting. You will be a part of a team, and work towards helping both your team and the organisation as a whole. You will discover what it's like to work in a large organisation responsible for implementing and delivering policies and programmes throughout Wales.
You can find out more about the work of the Welsh Government by visiting their website.
How Long Will I Be Working For?
Anything from a couple of months to indefinitely: the minimum length of the apprenticeship is 2 months. This will allow you to get a taste of the job. At the end of this, if you have enjoyed the work and your manager feels you are suitable for the position, you will be offered a 15 month contract. After a year you may have the opportunity to apply for a permanent Team Support post.
During your apprenticeship you will gain an NQF Level 2 in Business Administration. Additionally, working for the Welsh Government is a tremendous thing to have on your CV, and the skills you gain from your placement should be a considerable boost to your skills in the workplace.
Selection Criteria
You must have, or be predicted (if you are sitting your exams this summer), GCSEs or equivalent at grade C or above in English Language and Maths . This opportunity is not open to people who have graduated from university.
Opportunities are available in Cardiff, Merthyr Tydfil, Aberystwyth and Llandudno Junction.
An apprenticeship provides you with a training salary of £12,000 per year.
How to apply?
You can apply here between 28 May and 22 June.
Interviews will begin on 23 July and apprenticeships will commence in late September 2012.
Image credit: Cle0patra
1 Comment – Post a comment
Commented 47 months ago - 19th June 2012 - 17:16pm
shame i have A-levels to go back for x