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Information » Things To Do » Sports and Keeping Fit » Skiing and Snowboarding

Skiing & Snowboarding

  • Skiing and snowboarding are becoming increasingly popular sports for young people
  • They are most popular in the winter months, between December and April, but you can do them all year round at your local dry ski slope
  • Skiing and snowboarding tend to be expensive sports to do so a good way to get involved is through your school or local dry ski slope
  • Dry ski slopes offer tuition at prices of between £10 and £30 per hour and will also provide you with the correct equipment
  • If you are going skiing or snowboarding on real snow, you will need to wear the correct clothing. You should keep warm, with plenty of layers, and also wear waterproof trousers known as salopettes and a warm waterproof jacket. It is also important to wear proper ski socks. You can get these from most outdoor clothing shops
  • You will also need the correct equipment, such as boots and either skis or a snowboard. Most ski resorts will have a number of rental shops that will fit you out with the right equipment

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