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Information » Things To Do » Sports and Keeping Fit » Rowing


  • Rowing should only be practiced if you are a confident swimmer
  • Rowing involves sitting backwards in a long boat and using oars to steer and move the boat and propel it
  • Each member of the rowing team - or crew - uses both hands to pull one oar through the water
  • The most famous of all rowing races are the Thames River competitions between Oxford and Cambridge, first held at Henley in 1829
  • Sculling is a version of rowing in which the rower controls two oars, one in each hand
  • Sculling teams consist of one, two, or four members; rowing crews have two, four, or eight members, with or without a coxswain
  • You can row alone or in a team with up to four others
  • Races are held over distances of up to two kilometres and the first boat across the line is the winner
  • Rowing clubs are a great way of getting involved in the sport and meeting new people

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