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Information » Things To Do » Sports and Keeping Fit » Archery


There are no restrictions on participating in archery, but it should always be undertaken with great care and under professional supervision - as it could seriously hurt another person if practised carelessly.

Archery is a precision sport, using a bow to shoot arrows. There are different types of archery including 'field archery' and 'flight archery':

  • Field archery is where you go round a course and shoot at a number of targets
  • Flight archery is based simply on distance

If you want to learn archery, many local clubs run introductory lessons after which you may become a member of an archery club. Equipment will be provided if you join a club. You can start archery at a young age - there are separate competitions for children and young people.

Did you know?

  • Archery is an Olympic sport
  • Archery is one of the few sports where able and non-able bodied people compete equally
  • Archery is an ancient practice that was originally used in hunting and combat

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