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Human Rights
The Human Rights Act means that we all have recognised rights in the eyes of the law.
However by agreeing these rights you will also be assumed to uphold the rights of others i.e. recognise your responsibilities and not break laws.
The following are a list of your human rights
- The right to life
- Freedom from torture and degrading treatment
- Freedom from slavery or compulsory labour
- The right to liberty
- The right to a fair trial
- The right not to be punished for something that wasn’t a crime when you did it
- The right to respect for your privacy and family life
- Your freedom of thought, conscience and religion
- Freedom of expression i.e. to hold a opinion and to give and receive information
- Freedom of assembly e.g. to join a union and to demonstrate in a group
- The right to marry and start a family – legislation to allow same-sex marriage in England and Wales was passed in July 2013
- The right not to be discriminated against in respect to these rights and freedoms
- The right to own your own property
- The right to an education
- The right to free elections
If any of these rights and freedoms are abused you have a right to an effective solution in law, even if the abuse was by someone in authority e.g. a policeman.