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Information » Housing » Finding rented accommodation » Lodging


If you are lodging, this means you are living in the same accommodation as your landlord and paying rent for your share.

  • If you are looking for a room to rent as a lodger, try looking online with local websites, in the local newspapers, on notice boards in post offices and shops and at the local university or college
  • When you live in the same accommodation as your landlord, you have different rights to a tenant. Lodgers and landlords usually negotiate these rights between themselves. For example, whether you buy and cook your own food or whether you have exclusive privacy to your own room
  • If you are a lodger, you don't need to have a written agreement, although it is a good idea to get one if you can as it spells conditions out clearly and can avoid any misunderstandings
  • Your written agreement should include:
    • how much you will be expected to pay for the room and any other services
    • exactly what services these are
    • how much notice you or the landlord will have to give if you want to end the tenancy
    • do you have to pay a deposit and is it returnable?
    • what the conditions are for an increase in rent and how much notice you will be given
    • do you have your own key for your room?
    • are you allowed guests to stay in your room?
    • do you share a room with other tenants?
  • These matters are open for agreement and it's essential you discuss these with your landlord and have them written down and signed for
  • Your landlord will also be paying council tax, so if you are eligible, you need to sort out payment of your share of this with your landlord

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