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Information » Health » Emotional and Mental Health » Suicide


There is often a stigma associated with mental health problems, which often stop people from seeking help.

People are often ashamed to talk about their mental health problems with family or friends. Sometimes they may not to want to ask for professional help for mental health problems because they worry about what others will think of them.

There are many reasons that someone many be thinking about suicide, for example being bullied, loosing a friend or relative. It is also more likely for those who suffering with a mental health problem, have a drug or alcohol problem or a long-term physical illness to be suicidal.

On average 300 people die by suicide each year in Wales.

If you think you know someone who may be suicidal follow these steps:

  • Ask them if they are thinking about suicide
  • Listen to them (without judging)
  • Reassure them and give them information
  • Encourage the person to get help and support
  • Encourage the person to use self-help strategies

If you are feeling suicidal please talk to somebody, this could be a friend, family member or a professional (e.g. Samaritans, your doctor) – remember, the hardest part is starting the conversation, once you have done this it will get easier. Try some self-help strategies such as exercise, doing a hobby, reading self-help books, and seeking advice on the Internet.

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