Review: March's Poll - How Welsh Do You feel?
Hey there people who have voluntarily gone on to and clicked on this article! I applaud you! Actually, I applaud you just for being you (even though I probably have no idea who you are!) Anyway, yay for uniqueness!
Okay, so, back to the article!
How Welsh do you feel? The question that has been on all Sprouters lips since March 2014 came to be! Well, how Welsh DO you feel?
According to 6.7% of you, you couldn't be more Welsh even if you were given a Welsh potion (you also couldn't be more Welsh on match day!)! The majority of votes (33.3%) went to being 'quite Welsh'. 20% said that they were 'very Welsh'. Only 10% of you decided that you weren't really that Welsh. I don't know if that's because you were not born Welsh or you're just lazy, I don't know. Almost a quarter (23.3%) of theSprout community decided that they weren't at all Welsh! Shocker! What has happened?! Either we have had some un-patriotic members of society or we've just turned lazy!
So anyway, what do you think? Has the Welsh population become un-patriotic? Or do you think that the poll results were how you expected them to be? Alternatively, do you have no idea what is happening and you're just craving a KFC?! Let us know in the comments!
Love MediaManiac xx
PS: Do you like free stuff? Having a laugh? Eating biscuits? Well then, come on down to theSprout Editorial Group meeting! It's the last Thursday of every month at Cardiff Central Library in town. It is from 16:30 until 18:00. Anyone can come! You get the chance to take things home, and if you review them, you get to keep them! How amazing is that? Very! And don't forget, free biscuits!
Sub-Ed's Notes: We are aiming to have a new poll each month to gauge young people's opinions on a topical issue and at least one article using its data as inspiration or research. The article can be written by anyone and submitted in the normal way! Please do offer your future polls suggestions and comments below. The views of the writer do not necessarily represent those of theSprout.
Articles » Filter Articles » Welsh
Info » Your World
Events » April 2014: Sprout Editorial Group Meeting
- What Makes You Welsh?
- Is Welsh Necessary?
- Elranto (Or, How My Culture Has Been Attacked)
- Words, Racism & Anti-Welsh Racism
- Are You Proud To Be Welsh?
- Proud To Be Welsh?
- Dear World: Welsh Language
- Save Wales From Welsh?
- Gwlad Ac Iaith Y Nefoedd?
- A Living Language?
- I Hate Welsh
Image Credit: Geraint Rowland via Compfight cc
6 Comments – Postiwch sylw
Tom (Sub-Editor)
Rhoddwyd sylw 25 mis yn ôl - 11th April 2014 - 12:11pm
Thank you, MediaManiac, for writing about our poll! You're a star. How Welsh do you feel?
Also, nice one for voluntarily plugging our Editorial Group meeting. As someone who spent years on the Group before becoming Sub-Editor, I can vouch just how good it is!
Tom W
Rhoddwyd sylw 25 mis yn ôl - 11th April 2014 - 12:53pm
I love being a part of a small nation like Wales, especially as we aim big and constantly punch above our weight in the world. I love my hometown and my home nation, and, considering anyone could have been born anywhere in the world, I feel very lucky to have been born here. I would describe myself as fiercely Welsh (although I bear no malice towards any other nations), but also British. To people outside the UK, this might be confusing, but to many of us Welsh-British people (or other versions), it makes perfect sense. Strange.
Within Britain, I feel linked to the Scots because of our Celtic heritage and because of our oppression by England over the years and centuries (as I have not been around for centuries, this must clearly be a part of the national consciousness that I have adopted). However, this “oppression” by England is often way over-stated by Welsh people, and, as the poll suggests, especially on match day! My particular grievance is how Welsh coal and heavy industries were used to fuel British growth for decades and centuries but then how the rest of the UK left Wales unsupported when the reserves and industries declined. This grievance is more directed towards England than the other nations because most of the growth was directed at England, particularly the South East of the country. Little give, lots of take. The consequences of this are clear still today in the deprivation of the Valleys and the imbalance of the Welsh economy.
However, I feel inextricably linked to England, too, as our nations, cultures and daily lives are so interwoven. I feel distant to Northern Ireland, probably because of its geographical proximity and the sea between us, but I still feel so similar to them. Maybe this is because of our common history, culture or language, or simply because I feel connected to people on a human level, which counts to me far above and beyond one’s national bounds. By blood, I am half-English, but God forgives me. As someone who does feel partly English, I mean this as a joke; God only needs to forgive me for valuing nationality so much and hiding my Englishness – my true self - whilst in Wales!
Rhoddwyd sylw 25 mis yn ôl - 23rd April 2014 - 12:13pm
Having registered with the website, there was no option in terms of where I live outside Wales. And yet many people forget those of us brought up in Wales (very proudly), that for various reasons live outside Wales. I live in Spain. I live in a part of Spain that speaks a language other than Castellano. i.e. Valenciano. It is only spoken in the Communidad de Valencia. So naturally, although it has been easier to learn Castellano (Spanish), alot of people in my area speak Valencian which is a mixture of Spanish and French.
I am so proud to come from Aberystwyth, Wales, having been brought up there. I have a constant supply of Welsh flags because my Spanish friends think the flag is fantastic. Who couldn't think it was fantastic, a very proud dragon, the Celtic history and myths, the pride, despite often coming second best to England, Ireland, and Scotland often in BBC reporting. A tiny. beautiful country with a huge heart.......and the country will always be in mine, and I will always, despite where I am always be apart of the country, Wales!
Tom (Sub-Editor)
Rhoddwyd sylw 25 mis yn ôl - 23rd April 2014 - 12:19pm
Hi Federhirn, thank you massively for your comment. I found it very interesting to read the perspective of someone who currently lives outside of Wales. I will pass on your comment about there being no option when registering to say where you live outside of Wales :)
National Editor
Rhoddwyd sylw 25 mis yn ôl - 23rd April 2014 - 14:15pm
Hi Federhirn - the CLIC collective is for young people in Wales but we always welcome input from elsewhere! You could have registered as being from Ceredigion I guess. Glad you're on here and thanks for commenting. Ryan
simdude101 (correspondent)
Rhoddwyd sylw 4 mis yn ôl - 3rd January 2016 - 14:36pm
Whilst Wales can be an interesting place to be at times, I cannot say I feel that Welsh. Sure I was born in the Heath, and yeah, I have lived here all my life. But my parents, and their parents and scores of parents before were all English. Whilst Wales is where I was born, I feel more English than anything else, due to my ancestry.