Croeso i The Sprout! os gwelwch yn dda Cofrestru neu Mewngofnodi

Making Cardiff A Better Place To Live

Postiwyd gan Sprout Editor o Caerdydd - Cyhoeddwyd ar 24/05/2011 am 11:54
0 sylwadau » - Tagiwyd fel Addysg, Amgylchedd, Bwyd a Diod, Iechyd, Pobl, Chwaraeon a Hamdden, Materion Cyfoes, Teithio

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TheSprout worked with Ifanc to produce a film called 'Making Cardiff A Better Place To Live'. 

It was made with some young people from Action for Children, ABCD Cymru and the CVCDP.  The film was made to help show some of the things that would make Cardiff a better place to live for disabled children and young people. 

The group talked about access, transport, health and socialising amongst other important topics that affect their lives.

A version with subtitles is coming soon.

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