Croeso i The Sprout! os gwelwch yn dda Cofrestru neu Mewngofnodi

Celebrating LGBT Month At TheSprout

Postiwyd gan archifCLICarchive o Cenedlaethol - Cyhoeddwyd ar 04/02/2011 am 11:20
9 sylwadau » - Tagiwyd fel Diwylliant, Addysg, Gwyl, Pobl, Materion Cyfoes, Gwirfoddoli

  • LGBT Flag

There are many things that we should be proud of in our life. For example, here at theSprout, we’re very proud of our new lil logo, see it? All the different various colours like all the different articles, news, creative writing and photos we have on here. 

We’re proud to be supporting the Lesbian Gay Bisexual and Transgender month this February. And we hope you’re proud too if you’re taking part, whether you’re LGBT or not. LGBT month aims to raise awareness of the history and diversity of LGBT people in the UK.

It’s only been in recent years that LGBTs have began to feel safe in their identity and the knowledge that they’re free to be themselves without a high level of threat, violence or ridicule. In 2003, an act which made the promotion of homosexuality illegal was repealed, giving greater openness to LGBTs in the media and schools.

Cardiff County Council Schools & Lifelong Learning Department for the past 3 years have held a LGBT Youth conference for like minded young people to meet and talk, as well as it being an opportunity for anybody and everybody to show their support and join in. This year’s event will be held at City Hall, Cardiff (by the fountains, the ones which I’m sure most of you, like me, have wondered what would happen if someone put bubble bath in them ahem) on 7th February and is open to teachers, youth workers and most importantly, you. With the help of Cardiff’s LGBT youth group Loud and Proud, Cardiff High School, Cantonian High School, Ysgol Gyfun Gymraeg Plasmawr and Radyr Comprehensive School are all taking part with a host of activities such as plays, workshops and presentations in this all day event.

This is where we want your help! We want you to get involved: making videos, artwork, writing about your experiences, literally anything you can think of, we wanna see it/read it/listen to it. Take pictures of how you’re celebrating, tell us about your parties, your mates, how you’re getting involved we’re all well nosey and we want to see you being loud and proud.

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IMAGE: -Marlith-

9 CommentsPostiwch sylw



Rhoddwyd sylw 64 mis yn ôl - 4th February 2011 - 14:25pm

I was very up for going along to the conference this Monday but something has just come up with work so I may only be able to pop in for an hour or two. Really looking forward to it though.

I am making a video of inspirational stories from my friends, family and anyone who would love to get involved based on the 'It Gets Better Project'. If any of you would like to take part in this please get in contact with me (I'm on twitter @acatris).

It would be wonderful to hear your stories about growing up Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual or Transgender. Even if you don't think you would have much to say, but want to help us inspire young people to be proud and hopeful the I would love it if you could take part.



Rhoddwyd sylw 64 mis yn ôl - 4th February 2011 - 16:03pm

Fantastic! I'll be at the conference on Monday and yes, bubble bath hmm...

Sprout Editor

Sprout Editor

Rhoddwyd sylw 64 mis yn ôl - 4th February 2011 - 16:28pm

TheSprout is not responsible for the above project advertised by acatris. If you have any questions about any external links or projects that you find on theSprout, have a read of our Ts and Cs here.



Rhoddwyd sylw 64 mis yn ôl - 4th February 2011 - 20:49pm

Hi Sprout,

Loving the new logo and it matches the Loud & Proud logo colours.. The way it blends in to each other!!

I want to say thanks for all the suppoort you given us with promoting the project and also with the support you be giving to the LGBT community with all the partnership work we have been doing!!! Lots more to come!!!

See you at the conference!!! Loud & Proud will be having a stall so if you want to leave stuff to promote the Sprout.. Then your more than welcome!!!



Rhoddwyd sylw 64 mis yn ôl - 7th February 2011 - 16:23pm

Hi there

my first post to the Sprout, but people might know me as Paul Keeping in the Council's equalities team.

Just wanted to thank the Sprout and Loud and Proud for your great support of LGBT equality, please keep up the good work!

Sprout Editor

Sprout Editor

Rhoddwyd sylw 64 mis yn ôl - 7th February 2011 - 16:26pm

Hi Paul, it was good to meet you earlier! Thanks for signing up to theSprout :) It was a great event today!



Rhoddwyd sylw 64 mis yn ôl - 8th February 2011 - 10:07am

Can I just say what an amazing conference! Shame I missed out on the workshops but did hear the Sprouts workshop went really well.

It was good to hear of the good work which schools, councils and youth groups are doing to promote LGBT equality and Loud & Proud is proud to be part of that.

Bring on next years!!!




Rhoddwyd sylw 64 mis yn ôl - 9th February 2011 - 11:37am

Hope the event went well, I look forward to all your articles about it :p!

Sam Sprout (Editor)

Sam Sprout (Editor)

Rhoddwyd sylw 64 mis yn ôl - 11th February 2011 - 11:19am

LGBT Conference: Save The Shrouk With Loud & Proud

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