Croeso i The Sprout! os gwelwch yn dda Cofrestru neu Mewngofnodi

Bishop Bips

Postiwyd gan ??? o Caerdydd - Cyhoeddwyd ar 16/04/2013 am 17:27
0 sylwadau » - Tagiwyd fel Bwyd a Diod, Cerddoriaeth, Chwaraeon a Hamdden, Technoleg, Cyffuriau

  • Radar

Following on from this, this, this, this, this, this and this here's some more musings from the pupils of Bishop of Llandaff...


How To Swim

First go into some water then put your left arm in front of your right arm, then breathe, then put your right arm in front of your left and then you're swimming.

Info Â» Sport & Leisure Â» Water Sports Â» Swimming and Lifesaving

Organisations Â» Cardiff Leisure Services

By Robot Chicken


How To Make A Cup Of Tea

1) Get a little bit of milk
2) Boil the kettle 
3) Pour the hot water in your mug
4) Put your teabag in your mug 
5) Next stir your drink until it's a brown colour
6) Add as much sugar as you want
7) Stir your tea again
8) Now you're ready to serve

Info Â» Health Â» Nutrition and Physical Activity

Articles Â» Categories Â» Food & Drink

Related Articles: Where There Is Tea...

By blonde 9


How To Play FIFA Ultimate Team

1. Buy Microsoft points 
2. Turn to FIFA points
3. Spend all of them on packs
4. Keep some good players and sell the rest
5. Buy better players with the left over coins
6. Make people rage quit
7. Most important - sweaty goals!

Articles Â» Categories Â» Sport & Leisure

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On the Web Â» Safety Information

By Gator12


Our Thoughts On Justin Bieber

Lately Justin Bieber has been in the news for bad things. He arrived two hours late for his concert, which meant small children had to leave without seeing him and cry themselves to sleep. He has also apparently been taking drugs, which made a Belieber "cut for Bieber". He also started swearing and shouting at a pap. We don't think that Justin Bieber is a very good role model.

What do you think? Comment below!

Info Â» Health Â» Emotional and Mental Health Â» Self Harm

Info Â» Sport & Leisure Â» Performing Arts Â» Music

Organisations Â» Cardiff Soundscene

Articles Â» Categories Â» Music

Related Article On CLIConline: #CutForBieber

By 1D<3


Sub-Ed Note: I'm treating this as a poem....

Stay Off Drugs

Crack may be nice but leave it,

Although heroin is good for you its a bit pricey,

Do yourself good and sell it,

Make a few trips to some druggy countries for a man with a gun (make sure you disguise yourself good),

Stay off sniff and puff a bit of marijuana both for pleasure and medicinal purposes.

If you want my advice I wouldn’t touch tobacco, it's rubbish, go for something a bit stronger like magic mushrooms, you can also find them in a forest.

This is a joke.

Red-Button - Cardiff & The Vale's number #1 site for substance related information

Info Â» Health Â» Substance Misuse

By nickiminajloverboy


Best Goals Of 2012/13

Info Â» Sport & Leisure Â» Outdoor Sports Â» Football

By Gator12


South Park

South Park is the funniest thing that I have ever seen; it is probably the highest-rated show in the world. The funniest character is Cartman, the big fat one. At times he is as funny as hell, but some times he really evil.

Info Â» Sport & Leisure Â» Digital Arts Â» TV

Articles Â» Categories Â» Comedy

By Robot Chicken


Burger King

If you are bored, I advise you to go to your nearest Burger King!

Info Â» Health Â» Nutrition and Physical Activity

Info Â» Sport & Leisure Â» Interests Â» Food

Articles Â» Categories Â» Food & Drink

Related Article: Review: Gourmet Burger Kitchen

By givemefattyburgers123


Best BO2 Gameplay

Articles Â» Categories Â» Technology

On the Web Â» Safety Information

By Cantonrangers13


Cool Typewriters

I love typewriters because they are super (sorry for the really bad adjective but it is true) cool, because they whirr more than a hurricane and tick louder than a clock and do quite a few other things (I know that I didn't add writing but that was a bit too obvious) thank you for listening (or reading really)... I did not do this on a typewriter. bye

Info Â» Sport & Leisure Â» Digital Arts Â» Communication

Articles Â» Categories Â» Technology

Related Article: Stop: A Brief View On The Humble Telegram

Photo Credit: thorinside via Compfight cc

By thebrussels


Photo Credit: Ð…olo via Compfight cc

Rhywbeth i ddweud?

Rhaid bod wedi mewngofnodi i bostio sylwadau ar y wefan hon

Mewngofnodi neu Cofrestru.

Cymerwch ychydig o funudau i gwblhau'r arolwg hon. Bydd hyn yn helpu ni i ffeindio allan sut yr ydych chi'n defnyddio'r wefan fel ein bod ni'n gallu dal ati i'w gwella ar eich cyfer chi. Bydd pawb sy'n cwblhau'r arolwg yn cael y cyfle i ennill �50