Croeso i The Sprout! os gwelwch yn dda Cofrestru neu Mewngofnodi

abcd Cymru

Postiwyd gan Sprout Editor o Caerdydd - Cyhoeddwyd ar 20/12/2010 am 10:47
0 sylwadau » - Tagiwyd fel Diwylliant, Addysg, Bwyd a Diod, Iechyd, Chwaraeon a Hamdden

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I was invited along to Grassroots to meet a group called abcd Cymru.  They are an organisation that supports black and minority ethnic disabled and/or chronically ill children and young people.  They empower young people by arranging classes, trips, events and by networking with other relevant partners to raise awareness of some of the things that these young people face.

Some of the group have recently completed a cooking course at Grassroots on a Thursday, so theSprout went along on their last day to see how they'd got on.  All of the young people involved gained a certificate and this is what some of them had to say:

'We've made cakes, pizza, pasta and bread.  I've liked meeting new people and learning new skills. I've met lots of people of different ages, before there were lots of children but now I've met people my age.'

'Nice cooking, we made pizza, pasta and cakes. The best part has been meeting people and making new friends. I hope the group continues.'

Congratualtions to all of the young people who attended the course!

If you'd like to find out more about their work have a look here or check out their website here.

Rhywbeth i ddweud?

Rhaid bod wedi mewngofnodi i bostio sylwadau ar y wefan hon

Mewngofnodi neu Cofrestru.

Cymerwch ychydig o funudau i gwblhau'r arolwg hon. Bydd hyn yn helpu ni i ffeindio allan sut yr ydych chi'n defnyddio'r wefan fel ein bod ni'n gallu dal ati i'w gwella ar eich cyfer chi. Bydd pawb sy'n cwblhau'r arolwg yn cael y cyfle i ennill �50