Gwybodaeth » Amgylchedd
Bob dydd bron rydym yn ymddangos fel pe baem yn clywed am broblemau sy’n effeithio ar yr amgylchedd: cynhesu byd-eang neu newid hinsawdd, difa cynefinoedd naturiol, dirywiad a diflaniad anifeiliaid a phlanhigion, llygredd, sychder a newyn.
Mae llawer ohonom yn bryderus iawn am ddyfodol ein planed a gall pob un ohonom, beth bynnag fo’n hoed, wneud rhywbeth i helpu i arafu a gwyrdroi rhywfaint ar y difrod.
I ddechrau, mae’n beth da dechrau cymryd cyfrifoldeb am ddarganfod sut y gallwn helpu i arbed yr amgylchedd a’i adnoddau.
Mae’r adran hon yn rhoi rhagarweiniad i ti am y gwahanol bynciau sy’n effeithio ar ein hamgylchedd a sut y gallet ti gymryd rhan os wyt ti'n dymuno helpu i warchod y byd yr ydym yn byw ynddo.
7 Comments – Postiwch sylw
Rhoddwyd sylw 62 mis yn ôl - 31st March 2011 - 16:46pm
i think we should be doing all we can to protect our environment and care for our wildlife . i`m environment officer in our uni student union and am doing all i can to help our uni -wolverhampton uni , to be as environmentally friendly as possible . i`m running for re-election next week for next year so hope to do more if successful. planet earth is our home , the only one we have so lets care for it . as the recent disaster in japan has shown i think that nuclear power is too deadly . it may be clean energy but it is so hazardous and getting rid of waste and nuclear rods is difficult , its so sad about japan ,the quake and tsunami but this nuclear disaster could be worse for all on earth . some fallout has reacjhed scotland and oxfordshire --surely we dont want to experience another chernobyl which was 25 yearts ago . the effects of this disaster is still around . say no to nuclear power!
Rhoddwyd sylw 61 mis yn ôl - 9th May 2011 - 14:55pm
hi about a month ago i mentioned i was running for re-election as environment officer at my uni --wolverhampton uni . well , i got in again for next year and am already thinking about what to campaign on and to improve our uni`s green status. are there any other students at other unis who are environment officers etc with whom we could exchange ideas etc . i know PEOPLE AND PLANET are a great organisation to help with green issues at uni. check them out on google.
Rhoddwyd sylw 60 mis yn ôl - 31st May 2011 - 17:21pm
i would love to be able to write an environmental article on a regular basis on the website . it would give me some valuable practise for my uni degree in creative and professional writing and english as well as writing about environmental issues ,
Dan (Sub-Editor)
Rhoddwyd sylw 60 mis yn ôl - 1st June 2011 - 00:45am
Do it. :)
Rhoddwyd sylw 47 mis yn ôl - 4th July 2012 - 21:15pm
its been a while since i last left a comment but i think if we all worked together we can make our planet a better place to live for all people and wildlife . there are many organisations to get involved in such as friends of the earth, greenpeace, CND , RSPB ,Wildlife Trusts and more and all are working to protect our environment for the better. check them out and see what you can do help .
Rhoddwyd sylw 45 mis yn ôl - 14th August 2012 - 19:05pm
We have an environmental group in the Merthyr Tydfil borough wide youth forum (MTBWYF). It's. Really good place to start if people want to get involved and to tidy up their town. We love doing things like the Taff Tidy which has kind of become an annual event and we're always looking for new ideas to promote being environmentally friendly. Even if it's things like challenging fast food chains to recycle or cut down on waste.
It would be great to hear what kinds of things you're doing in uni so that we can share ideas!
If you want to get involved, sign up to MTBWYF!
Ps, I did a English/creative writing degree ... It was great fun! Hope you're enjoying it!
The Seawolf
Rhoddwyd sylw 18 mis yn ôl - 18th November 2014 - 13:00pm
The natural enviroment is a precious thing to have, if it goes away it will not come back, therefore we should protect it with all our available resources.